Thursday, September 25, 2008


Abby turned 5 on September 24. She had a Barbie party with her friends.
We decorated crowns, played "Barbie" Bingo, broke open a pinata, and of course there was presents and cake.
Abby with her Barbie cake

All the girls with their crowns they decorated.
"Barbie" Bingo....

We used starbursts to mark the spaces, I think the kids were more excited to eat those than get bingo. I also made the bingo cards myself. I didn't realize how long it would actually take to make 12 different bingo cards.....just ask Curt, I think he felt like a single dad for about a week.
The girls collecting candy from the pinata
Lots and lots of Barbies, and a new Barbie scooter
Blowing out her candles!


Shantell said...

Jackie- Your kids are super cute. I can't even remember the last time I saw you! I am glad that we found each other's blogs now so we have a way to keep in touch.

TheSarlesFamily said...

Happy Birthday Abby! I cannot believe you are 5! Taylor was sad she missed your party.