Monday, January 21, 2008


Just to warn you my children have quite the "bed head" in the morning so try not to be frightened!!!
On Christmas morning Abby & Ally were both up bright and early to see what Santa had left for them.

Abby got her much desired "Princess Cash Register"

Ally got some "Dora" Mega Bloks, although she was more excited about the new sippy cups she found in her stocking.

Abby was quite concerned about Ally getting "Santa germs" when she ate the crumbs Santa left on the plate and then tried to see if he left any milk. Abby said next year she is going to tell Santa to eat all of the cookies and then put his plate & cup in the sink.

Abby also got a new cleaning trolley, which I am very excited about. I am hoping she will take care of the cleaning and I can quit bugging my husband about hiring me a maid.

Ally also got another baby from Abby, which she refused to let go of. I think she is starting to figure out that certain things are hers and not Abby's.

We had a wonderful Christmas Morning and it was great to have Tiffany and Julie with us too.

Good Morning Aunt Julie

and Tippy.


Abby said...

Jackie, they are so adorable!!
Thanks for posting the pictures-love them!