Tuesday, January 8, 2008


Abby was trying to make sure she had just the right amount of cookies for Santa, it was a little tough when Ally kept eating them. After a while Abby decided she would eat some too. She also left some carrots for the reindeer, and she was sure Santa wouldn't miss our house because she sprinkled some magic reindeer food (oatmeal & glitter) out on the snow. Apparently it attracts the reindeer. Must have worked because when she woke up Christmas morning she got just what she wanted.

Abby making sure she has just the right amount.

OOPS!! Ally took one, now what do I do?

OK I guess Santa won't mind if I have one too.

Sprinkling the magic reindeer food....it was too cold for Mommy so Aunt Tippy helped Ally


Jeb and Becca said...

Great to hear from you guys!! We've missed seeing you and it is crazy to see how big your little baby is getting. Not to mention Abby! Your family is really cute and I am excited to keep in touch through your blog. Hope all is well in Minnesota.
Take care, Jeb and Becca

Julie said...

We had to do reindeer food too! I like the idea of Subway for Christmas eve. So easy!!

The Keeslers said...

What you had to change it again??? I see you figured out how to do it all by yourself. Good girl!! I will come over one day next week and help you with the rest. Love ya guys.