Saturday, November 3, 2007


We had tons of fun this year for Halloween. Abby dressed up as Cinderella and Ally was her mouse, Sally or Susie, depending on who you ask. I don't know that they ever mention the names of the little girl mice in cinderella, I guess I will have to pay attention the next time we watch it.

On Tuesday night the Youth from our church hosted a party for all of the kids. Elijah and Gabe came with us, and we had a great time. They had different activities set up in various rooms, and the kids could get their faces painted, bowl with pumpkins, go fishing, and all sorts of things. The kids got lots of candy to prep them for the big night.

Gabe-Zombie, Elijah-Brain Alien, Abby Cinderella

Gabe & some other boys from church


Daddy & Ally, & Abby getting her face painted
On Halloween, Grandma, Grandpa, and Stephen, and Jolynn, Taylor & Beckham all came over and we had Jack-o-latern pizzas for supper and then we went out trick-or-treating. It is tough to get all 4 kids to pose for a picture. But I think between the three cameras we were able to get some good ones.

Abby testing out her crown

Abby & Ally

Abby & Taylor

2 Cinderellas

Abby Ally Taylor & Beckham
Out trick-or-treating

Taylor & Abby would always race up to the house, it was quite commical to watch them run in their glass slippers.

To start out Ally & Beckham were riding in the wagon.

Although we soon discovered it was much faster to just run from house to house, so I carried Ally.


Julie said...

Looks like fun! We had a jack-o-lantern pizza too. Papa Murphys?