Thursday, May 29, 2008


Abby with her "cap"
The whole class
Abby with Mrs. Lisa & Mrs. Amy
(The best teachers in the world)
The Family
Abby & Tippy
Abby has officially graduated from her first year of preschool. They had a graduation ceremony complete with a certificate and a construction paper hat. The whole ceremony lasted all of 10 minutes, it was great!!!! Abby loved preschool this year and she can't wait to go again next year. I have no idea what I am going to do with her this summer, she is already asking when she gets to be in the 3 day-a-week class:)


Jeb and Becca said...

She is so cute and grown-up! I still picture her as a little toddler trying to keep up with my boys. :) Hope you guys are doing well. You look so great!
Take care, Becca

The Seaman Family said...

How fun for her! She is growing up way to fast. I am sure you think that all the time. Where does the time go? But congrats Abby!